On Thursday, September 26, 2019, U.S. Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos recognized 362 schools as National Blue Ribbon Schools for 2019. I am excited to announce that Amerman Elementary has been designated an Exemplary High Performing National Blue Ribbon School for 2019. We are one of 362 schools in the nation and one of thirteen schools from Michigan!
Building on a long-standing history of academic excellence, Amerman staff, together with students and families, embarked on a journey to grow and deepen its culture of learning and leadership through a more intentional focus on school culture, student agency, and working collectively toward a shared vision. The staff worked on building positive relationships with one another and with students, growing trust, and creating an atmosphere where teachers and students feel safe in setting rigorous goals, trying new strategies, taking risks, collaborating together, and finding joy in learning. This effort was embraced and supported by the Amerman parents and community.
Teachers have taken greater ownership in the school improvement process, working together to achieve goals, leading professional learning, and are committed to transforming learning environments into spaces that excite and engage students. Most powerful of all, Amerman continues to collectively grow a culture of student empowerment, agency and ownership in the learning process. Students set and track individual goals, participate in and lead visible thinking routines, work in collaborative groups, engage in rigorous, project-based learning opportunities, and participate in student-led conferences. Peer-to-peer mentorships, an application station for jobs, service-learning experiences, and student-run action teams, leadership days and monthly leadership assemblies are a few examples of the opportunities students have to explore their interests, share their genius and develop leadership capacity. Amerman celebrated achieving the Lighthouse milestone as a Leader in Me School in March, 2019, and continues to focus on its journey toward maximizing the potential of each and every learner.
I will be traveling to Washington, D.C. in November with third grade teacher, Christine Parnin, former principal, Marco Marando and superintendent, Mary Kay Gallagher to celebrate with 312 public and 50 non-public school honorees at an awards ceremony given by the Education Secretary and the Department of Education.
For more information on the National Blue Ribbon School Program please click here.
Devon Caudill